Was Jesus of Nazareth a real historic person?
Did Jesus always exist? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Is Jesus
fully divine
fully human
WHY did Jesus come to the earth? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Was Jesus virgin born? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus was virgin born,
THEN WHY is that important?
Was Jesus a good teacher?
What lessons did Jesus teach?
Are those lessons easy or difficult to apply to daily life?
THEN WHAT provision did an all-knowing and all-loving God make?
WHAT did Jesus teach about (link to a page with these Bible references)
relating to God in prayer
loving others
religious hypocrites
the existence of Satan and demons
keeping the law
the forgiveness of sins
life after death
why He had to go to the cross
what would happen after He died
Did Jesus set a good moral example?
Could Jesus set a good moral example
and accept worship if He was not God? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Could Jesus set a good moral example and also lie? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Did Jesus lie about His intimate relationship with God the Father?
Did Jesus lie about His purposes for coming to earth?
Did Jesus lie about why He needed to die on the Cross?
Did Jesus lie when He declared that He is the way, the truth and the life
no one can come to the Father, except through Him? (John 14:6)
Did Jesus lie about eternal rewards for those who obey Him?
Was Jesus a prophet? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus was a prophet,
THEN WHAT was the basis of His office as a prophet?
WHY would it be important that Jesus was a prophet?
WHAT did He foretell?
Which of His prophecies have already come true already?
Which of His prophecies have not yet come true?
Was Jesus a priest? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus was a priest,
THEN WHAT was the basis of His priesthood?
WHY would it be important that Jesus was a priest?
HOW has He already functioned as a priest?
HOW will He function as a priest in the future?
Was Jesus a king? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus was a king,
THEN WHAT was the basis of His kingship?
WHY would it be important that Jesus was a king?
HOW has He already functioned as a king?
HOW will He function as a king in the future?
Was Jesus the promised Messiah of the Old Testament? (link to a page with these Bible references)
HOW could one know that Jesus was or was not the Messiah?
Did Jesus fulfill hundreds of prophesies in His birth, life and death?
Did Jesus fulfill hundreds of types and shadows given in the Tabernacle and Feasts?
Did Jesus shine new and divine light on the Old Testament teachings?
IF Jesus was the promised Messiah,
THEN WHY is that important?
Did Jesus perform miracles? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus did perform miracles,
THEN WHY is that important?
Did Jesus cast out demons? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus did cast out demons,
THEN WHY is that important?
Did Jesus ever commit a sin? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus never committed a sin,
THEN WHY is that important?
Was Jesus fully qualified to be the Savior of the world?
Was Jesus justly or unjustly convicted of crimes?
Was Jesus justly or unjustly executed?
Why did Jesus need to die on the Cross? (link to a page with these Bible references)
What happened on the Cross that is of eternal significance? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Did Jesus literally die on the Cross?
Was Jesus the perfect God-Man? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus was the perfect God-Man
THEN HOW does that relate to His death on the Cross?
Was Jesus buried in a borrowed tomb that was guarded by Roman soldiers?
Did Jesus bodily rise from the dead? (link to a page with these Bible references)
IF Jesus did rise for the dead,
THEN WHY is that important?
Did Jesus appear to many and various people in a resurrection body?
Did Jesus ascend to Heaven in the sight of many people? (link to a page with these Bible references)
THEN WHY is that important?
Is Jesus the ONLY Mediator between God and each human?
WHAT qualified Jesus to be the Mediator?
WHY did Each human need a Mediator?
HOW did Jesus serve as the Mediator to reconcile God and each human?
WHY did Jesus as Mediator need to be both God and human?
HOW does this relate to
the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross
His death
His burial
His resurrection
His office as High Priest
His role as the Lamb of God
His amazing grace
His tender mercies
His incredible forgiveness
His wonderful Love
His exact and perfect fulfillment of Isaiah 53
His victory over
the Grave
the celebration of Holy Communion
His broken Body
His shed Blood
IF Jesus is the ONLY Mediator,
THEN what does that say about
the motto -- all paths lead to God
the popular belief that all religions are equal
tolerating all religions (except biblical Christianity)
treating the gospel of salvation with indifference
being lazy about personal evangelism
fearing that the gospel will offend those who need to hear
saying that religion is a crutch for the weak
not being generous in giving to missions
staying too busy to pray for missionaries
WHERE is Jesus right now?
Is Jesus everywhere as the omnipresent God? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Does Jesus dwell in the heart of a believer? (link to a page with these Bible references)
Does Jesus know the thoughts and intentions of every person’s heart?
Is it possible to successfully hide from Jesus?
Is Jesus the same today as He was while on earth and will be in eternity?
Is Jesus seated at God’s right Hand currently?
IF Jesus is seated at God’s right Hand,
THEN WHY is that important?
WHAT is Jesus doing these days?
WHO do you say that Jesus Christ was?
Was He a Legend and not a real historic person?
Was He a Liar who understood that he was deceiving the people?
Was He a Lunatic who did not understand the deceptions He was causing?
Was He the Lord God of Heaven and earth – the only begotten Son of God?
(There is no other choice. Every person must decide for them self. Their eternal destiny
rests on how they answer this question and what they do with that answer.)
WHEN will Jesus return?
WHO knows when Jesus will return?
WHAT will happen when Jesus does return?
WHEN Jesus returns:
WHO will He judge?
WHAT is known about the basis for His judgments?
WHAT are the possible penalties and rewards?
HOW can an individual prepare for His return?
WHAT can one person tell another person about preparing for His return?
WHAT does it mean that Jesus is Lord?
WHY is it important that believers confess that Jesus is their Lord?
WHY have thousands of martyrs suffered imprisonment, torture and death
rather than renounce Jesus as Lord?
WHY have government officials and religious leaders throughout the centuries
made a huge issue of these few words?
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